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Broad Museum Plaza

2015 , Los Angeles, California
Landscape Architect: Walter Hood
Client: The Broad Foundation
Categories: Cultural & Public Spaces
About project
About project

Adamson Associates, Inc. is the Executive Architect for the Broad Public Spaces, located adjacent to the Broad Museum in Los Angeles. Designed by Diller Scofidio + Renfro, in collaboration with landscape architect Walter Hood, the project transforms a 24,000 sf mid-block parcel of land into a pedestrian-friendly public plaza. The space includes an elevated park that connects to a restaurant and a food market.

The park includes a bosque – formed from large specimen trees – that provides a shading canopy, and a lawn for outdoor performances and events. A variety of seating areas offer ample opportunity for visitors to sit in natural surroundings and reflect on the impressive collection of contemporary art that is on display in the museum.

Photos by Mark Boster, courtesy of Hood Design.

Location: Los Angeles, California
Landscape Architect: Walter Hood
Design Architect: Diller Scofidio Renfro
Executive Architect: Adamson Associates, Inc.
Client: The Broad Foundation
Size: 24,000 sf / 2,230 sm
Museum Plaza icon
Museum Plaza
Connections to Food Market and Restaurant icon
Connections to Food Market and Restaurant
Completion: 2015